
Results: 9
Impact of Social Media Marketing Activities on Purchase Intentions via Customer Equity Drivers
In the light of growing interest and usage of social networking sites, smartphones, and internet availability, this study aims to analyze the impact of social media marketing activities on the purchase intentions of the customer...
Published by: IGI Global
Using Deming's Cycle for Improvement in a Course
Anil Aggarwal
Jul 01, 2020
The boundaries between accounting and technology is becoming fuzzier as accounting companies are becoming consulting companies. Digital economies are changing business models and companies that do not adept can become obsolete...
Published by: IGI Global
Segmenting Reviewers Based on Reviewer and Review Characteristics
Being experiential commodities, it becomes difficult to make any judgment about hotels or attractions before their utilization. This is where the reviews provided by guests/tourists play an influential role. Therefore, it...
Published by: IGI Global
A Review of AI (Artificial Intelligence) Tools and Customer Experience in Online Fashion Retail
Artificial Intelligence tools and processes have hugely impacted the ecommerce industry and the satisfaction of online customers. With technology largely pervading all facets of our lives, people want meaningful experiences....
Published by: IGI Global
Comparisons of Speech Parameterisation Techniques for Classification of Intellectual Disability Using Machine Learning
Classification of intellectually disabled children through manual assessment of speech at an early age is inconsistent, subjective, time-consuming and prone to error. This study attempts to classify the children with...
Published by: IGI Global
Scalable Recommendation Using Large Scale Graph Partitioning With Pregel and Giraph
Social Big Data is generated by interactions of connected users on social network. Sharing of opinions and contents amongst users, reviews of users for products, result in social Big Data. If any user intends to select products...
Published by: IGI Global
Significance of Non-Academic Parameters for Predicting Student Performance Using Ensemble Learning Techniques
The academic institutions are focusing more on improving the performance of students using various data mining techniques. Prediction models are designed to predict the performance of students at a very early stage so that...
Published by: IGI Global
A Pragmatic Approach to Understand Hebbian Cell Assembly
Formed at the cerebral cortex, neuron cell assemblies are regarded as basic units in cortical representation. Proposed by Hebb, these cell assemblies are regarded as the distributed neural representation of relevant objects...
Published by: IGI Global
Identifying Factors of Indian Health System and Their Influence for Providing Good Customer Care
Customer relationship management is important for any service industry as a satisfied customer is likely to remain loyal, spread publicity thereby ensuring profits to the organizations. Healthcare is an important and...
Published by: IGI Global