
Results: 895
Grim tales
Universities are dominated by marketisation, individualisation and competition, forces inimical to individual flourishing and collaborative endeavours. This article presents four stories from a collective biography workshop in...
Grim tales
Universities are dominated by marketisation, individualisation and competition, forces inimical to individual flourishing and collaborative endeavours. This article presents four stories from a collective biography workshop in...
Did the Shrew Tame You: An Exploration of Sexual Politics in Shakespeare's <em>The Taming of the Shrew</em>
Marisa Stickel
Jan 01, 0001
This paper explores the sexual politics present in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, examining the gender roles that influence the relationship between Katherine and Petruccio. By analyzing Petruccio's attempts at taming...
Published by: Winthrop University
Writing Self-Efficacy and Performance Among Students in an Online Doctoral Program
Writing an argument is an essential skill for doctoral students in achieving academic and occupational success. Writing an argument effectively requires the ability to use correct writing mechanics, but doctoral students may...
Winthrop Music Department Jan. 21, 1947
Winthrop News Service
Jan 01, 0001
Walter B. Roberts and Miss Katherine Pfohl of the Winthrop College music department will give a program at First Baptist Church in Johnston, SC.
Published by: Winthrop University








