
Results: 1201
Oral History-Sara James Stringfellow
Sara J Stringfellow
Jan 01, 0001
This is an oral history interview with Mrs. Sara Stringfellow about her time at Winthrop and her work as a cryptographer during World War II
Published by: Winthrop University
Quantifying the Aerodynamic Power Required for Flight and Testing for Adaptive Wind Drift in Passion-Vine Butterflies <i>Heliconius sara</i> (Lepidoptera
Although theoretical work on optimal migration has been largely restricted to birds, relevant free-flight data are now becoming available for migratory insects. Here we report, for the first time in passion-vine butterflies...
Published by: Insects
The Ursinus Weekly, January 18, 1907
Ursinus Union The rose of Savoy Alumni notes Society notes College news Exchanges Literary Supplement: The new football; Che sara, sara; College fraternities; Two eighteenth century dramatists
Published by: Ursinus College
The Ursinus Weekly, January 11, 1907
Forest reveries Charmidean smoker Concert Literary supplement Press League meets Ursinus Union Alumni Society notes Personals Imitation success Literary Supplement: The New Football; Che Sara, Sara; College...
Published by: Ursinus College








