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Two-step Procedure Based on the Least Squares and Instrumental Variable Methods for Simultaneous Estimation of von Bertalanffy Growth Parameters

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJAEIS.2019040103
Published by: IGI Global


Advanced in the present article is a Two-step procedure designed on the methods of the least squares (LS) and instrumental variable (IV) techniques for simultaneous estimation of the three unknown parameters L∞, K and t0, which represent the individual growth of fish in the von Bertalanffy growth equation. For the purposes of the present analysis, specific MATLAB-based software has been developed through simulated data sets to test the operational workability of the proposed procedure and pinpoint areas of improvement. The resulting parameter estimates have been analyzed on the basis of consecutive comparison (the initial conditions being the same) between the results delivered by the two-step procedure for simultaneous estimation of L∞, K and t0 and the results obtained via the most commonly employed methods for estimating growth parameters; first, use has been made of the Gulland-and-Holt method for estimating the asymptotic length L∞and the curvature parameter K, followed by the von Bertalanffy method for estimation of t0.