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Research on the Uniqueness and Characteristic Development of University Library Cultural Services

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJLIS.2020010105
Published by: IGI Global


Characteristic development is a process of intentionally solidifying and cultivating something's uniqueness. This article analyzes the uniqueness of university library cultural services in comparison with those provided by other service institutions. Furthermore, this article reveals the differences between cultural services and other types of library services. Based on these analyses, this constructive research finds a way to achieve cultural services' characteristic development by taking service factors as the breakthrough point. The main strategies include building a professional service team, focusing on user demands, constructing characteristic resources, optimizing service spaces and facilities, and upgrading service brands; all of these strategies should be developed round the issue of culture. Finally, corresponding to the above strategies, this paper article the measures and effects of Wuhan University Library cultural services to share their experience.