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Training Effectiveness in Times of Austerity

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.2020040107
Published by: IGI Global


Due to the fall in oil price, many companies are looking into ways to cut cost. Despite such cost-cutting efforts fuelled by the constant pressure for companies to stay competitive, the importance of training is still widely recognised. In response to limited training funds, companies are forced to revise their training programmes and make changes in their mode of delivery as part of their austerity measure. One of the approaches taken by an oil subsidiary company in Brunei is the increased use of in-house training and online-based learning (e-learning). This article seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of such a training approach when it is adopted. This allows training to be appraised in tangible terms, i.e. how much trainees have benefited to provide evidence to justify the importance of training, in times when training is assumed to be among the first casualties.