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Prioritizing Financial Crises Due to COVID-19

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJSDA.20210101.oa1
Published by: IGI Global


In order to reduce the community-transmission of the novel coronavirus, precautionary measures require major attention. Reducing coronavirus transmission in the Indian population has included utilization of protective masks, which ranked in the first level, followed by hand hygiene, self-observations, respiratory manners, social distancing, and environmental cleanliness and ventilation, respectively. But the Indian Government has taken a good initiative by ordering a lockdown to provide safety to its population and sustainability to the environment or nature. People in some sectors are doing work from home to still the rate of transmission, but the financial transactions also stop. In some sectors (product/service), it is also not possible to work from home, and in India, the infrastructure or facilities or science is not that developed. Hence, the Indian economy is suffering. In this paper, an effort is taken to find the financial crises in India due to Pandemic COVID-19 and prioritize it by Topsis method.