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Learning How to Learn

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJWLTT.2020070104
Published by: IGI Global


This article describes how every learner is a unique creative individual responsible for paving his/her own way of learning in a preclusion of external restraints. Learners apply a bunch of idiosyncratic means to segue the information into knowledge. The various implications of such manipulated formulation by the learners implies strategic responses to new information and indicates a rational commitment to learn in many different ways. Pertaining to this we have also different versions of learning styles and strategies and their categories. The growing innovative and multiple dynamic ways of learning here bring diffidence to the existence of those stipulated types of learning styles and strategic traditions. This article makes an attempt to synthesize the different types of ways of learning; the self- determined learning strategies along with the prevailing theories of learning styles hypothesis.