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OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJEPR.2020070102
Published by: IGI Global


In this digital era, innovation becomes an important element within urban planning and management to support a more effective and efficient urban service. Until now, most of the local governments in Indonesia still rely on a fully top-down approach to solve urban transportation problems. This article investigates the co-creation process in solving an urban transportation problem in Makassar City, Indonesia, by analyzing key success factors of the process. A literature review and semi-structured interviews were used to gather data from key actors involved in the process. It revealed that there are five important factors contributing to the success of a co-creation process, namely back up from the mayor, diversity of stakeholder involvement, local NGO facilitation, international NGO facilitation, and a committed team. A combination of the top-down approach and co-creation, as a participatory approach, and utilization of digital means seems to offer an opportunity for a more effective and impactful urban solution implementation in a contemporary (Indonesian) city.