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Doctors' Perceptions on the Use of Internet of Things Medical Devices (IOT-MDs) for Anemic Pregnant Women

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJHISI.2021010104
Published by: IGI Global


Applying the extended technology acceptance model (TAM2), this research study examined the doctors' perceptions about acceptance of internet-of-things medical devices (IoT-MDs) technology to track and monitor the health of anemic pregnant women in remote areas. The authors used structural equation modeling on a survey data of doctors (N=153), the path analysis of which reiterated certain key considerations of TAM2. The results showed that perceived ease of use has a significantly high impact on behavioral intentions of the doctor. Result demonstrability had an indirect impact on the doctor's intention to use IoT-MDs if mediated through perceived usefulness. This paper discussed research implications before stating the limitations and future directions.