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The Application of Andragogy for the Advanced Diploma Program in Education at Saudi Arabia's Taif University

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.20210701.oa1
Published by: IGI Global


This study's aim was to explore advanced diploma program students' perceptions about the application and importance of andragogy. The study also investigated if there is a difference, by gender, among the learners' point of view about the application and importance of andragogy to the learning environment. A self-administered questionnaire was utilized. The study population included all learners (n = 1,235) who were studying with Taif University's advanced diploma program in education. The study findings revealed that the importance of the five andragogical assumptions (motivation, experience, need to know, readiness to learn, and self-directedness) for the learners. There were statistically significant differences (α = 0.05), due to gender, among the students' perceptions about the learners' need to know; these differences were seen for both the application and importance of the andragogical principles; the variations favored females. Therefore, teachers should employ learning strategies that encourage self-directed learning among students.