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Understanding the Effect of Internet Addiction on Student Academic Engagement

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.20211001.oa11
Published by: IGI Global


The aim of the study is to understand the effect of Internet addiction on student’s academic engagement. There are numerous studies explaining the negative relationship between Internet addiction and academic performance still very few studies could explain how the excessive use of the internet disrupts students’ academic engagement. This study focuses on two aspects, each of academic engagement viz, dedication, and vigor and Internet addiction viz, Emotional, and cognitive preoccupation with internet and Loss of control, and interference with daily life. Data was collected from 152 students in an Institute in India through questionnaires. The data was analyzed using Correlation and regression. The analysis showed that Internet addiction has a significant, negative impact on vigor and dedication. Interestingly, it was found that Emotional and cognitive preoccupation with the internet is not a significant predictor of Internet addiction as Loss of control.