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Dis-Aggregated Effect of Market Orientation on Firms' Performance

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.20210701.oa6
Published by: IGI Global


Due to ambiguity in the market orientation and performance relationship, the basic aim of the study to investigate the nature of relationship exists between market orientation and performance of the manufacturing SMEs in India. Data for this study were collected from the 388 managers/owners of SMEs indulged in the manufacturing sector through well-established scales. The utilized scale's reliability and validity were assessed through CFA, and various hypotheses related to the environmental moderators and innovation mediation were tested. This study is relevant for owners/managers and policymakers responsible for improving the performance of small and medium enterprises, working in the manufacturing sector. The study necessitates the significance of catering express needs of customers to boost up the effect of market orientation on performance. The study tested the relationship between the market orientation and performance relationship at the disaggregated level. The important insight about the direct, indirect, and the moderated relationship was reported in the study.