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Research on the Impact of Information Security Certification and Concealment on Financial Performance

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.20220701.oa2
Published by: IGI Global


With the rapid development of information technology, information security has been gaining attention. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has issued international standards and technical reports related to information security, which are gradually being adopted by enterprises. This study analyzes the relationship between information security certification (ISO 27001) and corporate financial performance using data from Chinese publicly listed companies. The study focusses on the impact of corporate decisions such as whether to obtain certification, how long to hold certification, and whether to publicize information regarding certification. The results show that there is a positive correlation between ISO 27001 and financial performance. Moreover, the positive impact of ISO 27001 on financial performance gradually increases with time. In addition, choosing not to publicize ISO 27001 certification can negatively affect enterprise performance.