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Supplier Evaluation and Selection System of Embedded E-Commerce Platform Based on Big Data

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJISSCM.287629
Published by: IGI Global


For e-commerce companies, it is easier to obtain a large amount of aggregated data about user behavior with the help of embedded network platforms, which contains valuable information that helps to form effective decision-making. This article first gives a detailed introduction to the evaluation and selection of e-commerce and suppliers; then puts forward the analytic hierarchy process and entropy method; finally, the AHP analytic method is used to build a supplier evaluation system and a selection system. The experimental results of this paper show that after obtaining the entropy AHP weights through the analytic hierarchy process, these 8 suppliers can be ranked and selected. Using the ABC classification method, classification is based on the ranking of suppliers. Among them, Class A suppliers account for 12.5%, which plays a key role in the construction of the evaluation and selection system of e-commerce suppliers.