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Exploring Factors Affecting the Attraction and Retention of Academic Employees at the Durban University of Technology

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJSSMET.290332
Published by: IGI Global


The objective of the study was to explore the factors affecting the attraction of academic employees and assessed the factors influencing their retention at the Durban University of Technology. This was a qualitative study conducted among 12 academics who were purposefully selected. The study found that the university was not doing enough to attract academic talent as job offers appeared to be the dominant reason for employees entering the employ of the institution. The study also found training and mentorship, flexible working hours, information, equipment and resources, job satisfaction and challenging jobs, to be the factors affecting the retention of academic personnel at the institution. Therefore, management should develop effective employee attraction and retention strategies by improving the benefit and remuneration system, culture and working environment.