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Impact of Mobile Banking Application Interactivity on Consumer Engagement

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.290368
Published by: IGI Global


The study aims to examine the impact of mobile banking (m-banking) application interactivity on consumer engagement. The study also analyses the moderation effects of perceived security concerns, consumer innovativeness, and consumer involvement. The study employed a 2 (interactivity: high versus low) × 2 (perceived security concern: high versus low) × 2 (consumer innovativeness: high versus low) x 2 (consumer involvement: high versus low) between-subjects experimental design among 376 Indian mobile banking users. The results indicate that interactivity positively impacts consumer engagement in m-banking applications. The results also show the significant moderating effects of perceived security concerns, consumer innovativeness, and consumer involvement. The findings of the study enrich the online engagement literature by examining the impact of interactivity on consumer engagement in the m-banking context. The results of the study will help banks in enhancing their m-banking application interactivity to enhance consumer engagement.