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Deconstructing Online Hospitality Review Systems

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JOEUC.292523
Published by: IGI Global


Online hospitality reviews have an important impact on consumers’ travel and hospitality booking decisions in the Internet age. A well-designed online hospitality review system is crucial to reduce the uncertainty of consumers’ decision making, to grasp the actual needs of consumers, and to improve the quality experience of platforms. In this context, this research conducts an empirical study on the design features of online hospitality review systems based on the Kano model. First, the paper analyzes the design features of online hospitality review systems. Then, the paper proposes an improved method to classify design features on the basis of the Kano questionnaire design and survey data. Finally, the paper quantitatively measures their importance in online hospitality review systems. Results can provide scientific basis for online travel platforms or hospitality operators to optimize the design of online hospitality review systems and to obtain reference value to increase the satisfaction of consumers’ decision making.