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Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Chatbot for Effective COVID-19 Information Delivery to Older Adults

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJEHMC.293285
Published by: IGI Global


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic poses a threat to the everyday life of people worldwide and brings challenges to the global health system. During this outbreak, it is critical to find creative ways to extend the reach of informatics into every person in society. Although there are many websites and mobile applications for this purpose, they are insufficient in reaching vulnerable populations like older adults who are not familiar with using new technologies to access information. In this paper, we propose an AI-enabled chatbot assistant that delivers real-time, useful, context-aware, and personalized information about COVID-19 to users, especially older adults. To use the assistant, a user simply speaks to it through a mobile phone or a smart speaker. This natural and interactive interface does not require the user to have any technical background. The virtual assistant was evaluated in the lab environment through various types of use cases. Preliminary qualitative test results demonstrate a reasonable precision and recall rate.