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The Role of Social Media Marketing on Overall Brand Equity in the Telecommunication Sector in Bangladesh

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.294102
Published by: IGI Global


The objective of this study is to investigate the role of social media marketing (SMM) on overall brand equity (OBE) via value co-creation (VC) in the telecommunication sector in Bangladesh. Moreover, brand love is tested as a moderator of SMM and VC. A structured questionnaire was distributed to collect survey data from 241 mobile subscribers using a systematic sampling method from different areas of Dhaka city in Bangladesh. The hypotheses were examined using structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings have shown that social media marketing has a substantial direct influence on value co-creation which has also a significant direct influence on OBE. Findings have indicated that VC is partially mediated the relationship between SMM and OBE. The results have asserted that SMM significantly influences OBE. Furthermore, the results have affirmed that brand love act as a moderator to strengthen the relationships between SMM and VC.