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COVID-19 Vaccine Global Information Management Through Bibliometrics

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.294578
Published by: IGI Global


Vaccination is nowadays the most used option to stem the covid-19 pandemic. The global impact of the pandemic has triggered an unprecedented frenzy for research axis related to COVID-19 vaccine. Since 2019, the volume of publications related to COVID-19 vaccines has swollen significantly. In this very dynamic context, it can be difficult to quickly access the state and orientations of the researches. Thus, the goal of this paper is to provide a quick, fast comprehensive science mapping of these researches through an information management bibliometric approach. We extracted 8 246 publications (up to July 08th 2021) related to COVID-19 and vaccination from a world-leading publisher-independent global citation database (Scopus). The Bibliometrix package was then used to perform a bibliometric review of all these documents. The most important connections between the main themes, publications, authors, institutions, countries, collaborations, and journals are being highlighted. Main implications for the Information System along with some future research directions are also presented.