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Measuring Innovation and Creative Content in Course Content and Learning Effectiveness

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.295978
Published by: IGI Global


The concept-knowledge theory or C-K design theory explains that creativity is the conceptualization of design that is independent of any other design domain. It explains innovation, creation, and discovery within the framework of design processes. Creativity is an integral part of engineering design. The QFD methodology is applied to construct the “engineering design and creativity course” at the faculty of engineering as per the various stakeholders of curriculum design. The suggested methodology satisfies accreditation requirements as a part of continuous improvement of curriculum. The QFD course design methodology integrates the learning outcome with the assessment methodologies, learning processes and knowledge elements well. The course is a strategic fit with the vision 2030 and curriculum. The course development methodology as suggested minimize learning deficiencies. It is measured by course mapping with learning outcome.