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Determinants of ERP Adoption, User Satisfaction, and User Engagement

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJISMD.297044
Published by: IGI Global


Based on the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and the diffusion of innovation framework, this study examines the key determinants and outcomes of enterprise resource planning (ERP) adoption. The study specifically investigated the impact of system quality and user training on ERP adoption intention. Further, the impacts of ERP adoption intention and personal innovativeness on ERP adoption were also studied. User satisfaction with ERP and user engagement were considered as the two outcomes of ERP adoption. To achieve these objectives, an online survey was conducted and data was collected from 180 ERP users across multiple industries in India to understand their perception of such matters. Structural equation modeling using the partial least square approach was used to test the proposed hypotheses. The results of SEM analysis supported all the hypotheses under investigation. These results provide relevant evidence that may encourage organizations to understand the key determinants of successful ERP adoption and its significant impacts on user satisfaction with ERP and user engagement.