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Detecting Sinkhole Attacks in IoT-Based Wireless Sensor Networks Using Distance From Base Station

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJISMD.297628
Published by: IGI Global


Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are infrastructure-less in nature, which contains numbers of autonomous sensor nodes. These sensor nodes are dedicated to monitoring the physical conditions of the environment and are organizing the collected data at a central location. Application area of WSN, like - heath care, military surveillance, are sensitive with respective to information sensed, that’s why security of WSN needs to be very effective. Providing security to WSN plays a major role as it consists of limited resources. The security system should lie within the boundary of the resource potential as well as should be competent enough to handle attacks. Intrusion detection system (IDS) is one such type of defense system, which can fulfill the measure of limitation of resources. In this paper, a detection technique is proposed against sinkhole attack using the Euclidean distance of each node from base station. The main advantage of the proposed technique is that it doesn't require any extra hardware setup as well as doesn't require extra communication cost.