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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Effect on Supply Chain Performance in the Dairy Industry

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.297850
Published by: IGI Global


The technology and use of computers helped the Indian dairy industry to change its rural face and its organization. It’s revolution in today’s supply chain management business validate that they are vital elements which can surely bring success for any internetworked business enterprise. Information technologies can give a business a strategic technology platform that supports electronic commerce and enterprise collaboration among the internetworked enterprise in today’s global dairy business environment. The research paper attempts to find out the relationship between the information and communication technology as one of the variables of supply chain management with organizational performance which are identified as financial and market performance. Multiple regression technique has been used for the analysis in order to find the predictor variables for various performance measuring variables. The findings suggest that of ICT play a crucial role in enhancing the performance of the dairy’s companies in the form of increase in performance matrix indicators.