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Exploring Multiliteracies and Multimodal Pedagogies in Chinese Language Teaching

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJCALLT.298704
Published by: IGI Global


This study explores one teacher's forays into multiliteracies practices and multimodal pedagogies in teaching a language other than English in an international school in Hong Kong. Using the Action Learning Circle as a guiding framework, this study analysed a Chinese language teacher's one-year self-initiated exploration of multiliteracies and multimodality with students of different proficiency levels. Data analysis is unpacked through interview reflections and three digital multimodal composition (DMC) projects that the teacher designed to explore the unique processes of incorporating multiliteracies and multimodality into Chinese language teaching. This study has filled in multiple research gaps by being one of the first to look at DMC in Chinese language teaching through a teacher-focused investigation. It has also included a more balanced focus on both visual and video projects to respond to the linguistic features of the Chinese language. Continuous professional learning and strong institutional support are required to fully embed multiliteracies into language education.