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Does Age Matter?

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJTHI.299043
Published by: IGI Global


Previous literature has suggested that age indirectly influences the intention to adopt an information technology, and notably a m-health application. However, few studies have investigated this link. Voluntarily proximity tracing applications (PTA) are the first mobile applications to be implemented nationwide for population health issues. Our paper investigates the effect of age on the antecedents (perceived ease of use and usefulness, trust, and privacy control) of the intention to adopt a PTA. Our model is tested on a representative sample of 1000 French citizens. All variables were measured using scales drawn from the extant literature and adapted to suit the context. Age was measured as a continuous variable. . We found that age directly influences privacy control, but it has no direct effect on trust nor on the perceived ease of use or the perceived usefulness of a PTA. The results show that age is not a direct determinant of the antecedents of behavioral intention except of privacy control.