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Wearable Technology and Women Empowerment in the Technology Industry

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JITR.299387
Published by: IGI Global


The extant literature has significantly contributed towards the body of knowledge on wearable technology by exploring its potential for enhancing the well-being of consumers. Another strand of literature focuses on the challenges being faced by women in the wearables industry. This study has critically investigated the prevailing status of women in the gendered imbalance technology industry particularly the wearables industry. To elucidate this, the study has followed the qualitative approach by conducting an inductive-thematic analysis on the interviews of women achievers in the wearables industry. The findings revealed that the future of wearable technology seems bright in the following sectors: AR/VR and Artificial intelligence (AI) industries, Medical, sports and fitness sectors, Clothing and Jewellery industry, Military, and other industrial applications. However, it would be more promising if women employees and entrepreneurs are encouraged at all levels, and their roles are substantiated in the organizations by reducing challenges and appreciating them for their achievements.