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Study of Predictors of Organizational Effectiveness Among Private and Public Sector IT Companies

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJHCITP.300315
Published by: IGI Global


Human relations experts have shown tremendous interest in determining the variables that enhance workers' satisfaction and their loyalty to organisation because only committed and qualified personnel can facilitate the organization to attain statures of effectiveness. The present research is performed to study job satisfaction, organisational commitment, and climate as predictors of organisational effectiveness wherein job commitment is studied as mediator in this relationship. Using structured questionnaires on seven-point Likert scale, data were obtained from 581 respondents using convenient sampling method from IT sector. Results indicated that both job satisfaction as well as organisational climate is positively associated with effectiveness. The association between job satisfaction and effectiveness is completely mediated by commitment and organizational climate and effectiveness. This research has implications for decision makers in the IT sector for attaining higher effectiveness and issues related to employee job satisfaction and favourable climate may also be addressed.