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Linkage Between Culture, Leadership, and Knowledge Sharing in MNCs

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.301200
Published by: IGI Global


The paper develops a theoretical model that focuses on the integrated effect of organizational factors on knowledge sharing, taking the moderating effect of training and development. The proposed hypotheses were tested with structural equations modeling using self-reports of 200 personnel working in Bngladesh-based MNCs. The organizational factors such as respect for people, job stability, aggressiveness, transformational leadership, transactional leadership and decentralization have a direct influence on knowledge sharing. The substantial effect of training and development was not evident in moderating the relationship between organizational factors and knowledge sharing. However, this study reveals that training and development moderates only the relationship between team orientation and knowledge sharing. the findings broaden the understanding of the impact of organizational culture, leadership, and training and development, and knowledge sharin. This study helps managers to formulate strategies and provide new knowledge to researchers to look further into this field.