Cover Image for System.Linq.Enumerable+EnumerablePartition`1[System.Char]

Institutional and Cultural Aspects of Logistic Management in the Chinese E-Commerce Sector

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJISSCM.305848
Published by: IGI Global


Electronic business relies heatedly on a predictive tool to provide consumers with the products online in a brief moment. E-commerce activities are handled by many buyers globally compared to conventional distribution, and with a broader range of products but a limited amount. This article aims to help the information review systemically manage consumer relationships in institutional and cultural aspects of the logistic management (ICA-LM) model. In preparation for the ICA-LM to be adequate to discuss static and dynamic attributes for removing precious secret information, the neural network and the class label are integrated. In this way, real-life client needs are defined and potential clients listed with limited time to generate client relationship maintenance (CRM) feedback for clients. The research in Hong Kong, a transportation management firm prototype, shows and validates CRM information gathering in the developing e-commerce logistics sector in the actual world.