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Platformance-Based Cross-Border Import Retail E-Commerce Service Quality Evaluation Using an Artificial Neural Network Analysis

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.306271
Published by: IGI Global


The transaction scale of cross-border import e-commerce has grown rapidly around the world. Platform-style cross-border e-commerce does not control the quality, source and transaction process of goods strictly and comprehensively. In terms of customer service quality, the seller's customer service often ignores the customer's problems, and some customer service solutions cannot solve the customer's problems. Serving customers through the network has changed the traditional offline service form without distance, and the service process has a time and space distance. This paper constructs an evaluation index system based on the development of cross-border e-commerce. Through questionnaires, relevant data were obtained and analyzed. Analyze the results based on the collected data on the factors that affect the quality of cross-border import e-commerce services. Responsiveness is the most important factor found by artificial neural networks. The descending order of importance of other factors is fulfillment, diversity, privacy, reliability, compensation, and ease of use.