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A New Resource Recovery Process for Refining Sludge Generated by a Paper Manufacturing Company

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJAEIS.313174
Published by: IGI Global


A new sludge processing method was developed by the Beta Company, a paper manufacturing company. The new method will shorten the time for transforming sludge into organic fertilizers, which will improve the process of handling the waste generated by a paper manufacturing company. The paper industry is facing the most rigorous regulations for processing wastewater and sludge to date in the history of many industrialized and developing countries. The Beta Company attempted to improve the conventional method implemented in-company for handling sludge generated during the paper manufacturing process, instead of shipping sludge out-of- company for processing by a third party. The current experimental results show positive improvement, indicating the Beta Company is moving one step closer toward environmental sustainability commitments.