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An Analysis of Gyan Milk Products in Lucknow

DOI: 10.54741/mjar.1.1.2
Published by: Singh Publication


The success of every corporate organization depends on marketing. In today's market, the dairy sector has significant growth potential. Marketing mix tactics, consumer survey marketing and competition analysis are some of the tools that can help a company succeed. Following these tips, a thorough and timely marketing analysis is done. As a result, the present search was conducted with the following goals in mind: The goal of this study is to determine the marketability of Gyan goods. Result: Gyan milk and milk related products have strong business position in Uttar Pradesh, Which offers a promising marketing. However, as of today, this study shows that in order to survive in a globalized market over a period of time, every organization must conduct marketing analysis to match the changing consumption habits and trends of the customer.