Picocavities are sub-nanometer-scale optical cavities recently found to trap light, which are formed by single-atom defects on metallic facets. Here, we develop simple picocavity models and discuss what is known and unknown...
Hollow metallic nanostructures have shown potential in various applications including catalysis, drug delivery and phototherapy, owing to their large surface areas, reduced net density, and unique optical properties. In this...
Particle inhalation is an effective and rapid delivery method for a variety of pharmaceuticals, particularly bronchodilation drugs used for treating asthma and COPD. Conditions of relative humidity and temperature inside the...
Live cell Raman micro-spectroscopy is emerging as a promising bioanalytical technique for label-free discrimination of a range of different cell types (e.g. cancer cells and fibroblasts) and behaviors (e.g. apoptosis). The aim...
Distinction between closely related and morphologically similar cells is difficult by conventional methods especially without labeling. Using nuclear-targeted gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) as intracellular probes we demonstrate the...
During the European Middle Ages, the opening of long-distance Asian trade routes introduced exotic goods, including ultramarine, a brilliant blue pigment produced from lapis lazuli stone mined only in Afghanistan. Rare and as...
Raman spectroscopy is a powerful tool for investigating chemical composition. Coupling Raman spectroscopy with optical microscopy (Raman microspectroscopy) and optical trapping (Raman tweezers) allows microscopic length scales...
Plasmonic sensors are extremely promising candidates for label-free single-molecule analysis but require exquisite control over the physical arrangement of metallic nanostructures. Here we employ self-assembly based on the DNA...
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) constitutes a major cause of death and long-term disability. At present, we lack methods to non-invasively track tissue biochemistry and hence select appropriate interventions for patients. We...