Covalent linkages between constituent blocks of macromolecules and ligands have been subject to inconsistent treatment during the model-building, refinement and deposition process. This may stem from a number of sources...
In organisms from all domains of life, multi-enzyme assemblies play central roles in defining transcript lifetimes and facilitating RNA-mediated regulation of gene expression. An assembly dedicated to such roles, known as the...
Marginal structural models (MSMs) with inverse probability weighted estimators (IPWEs) are widely used to estimate causal effects of treatment sequences on longitudinal outcomes in the presence of time-varying confounding and...
Particle inhalation is an effective and rapid delivery method for a variety of pharmaceuticals, particularly bronchodilation drugs used for treating asthma and COPD. Conditions of relative humidity and temperature inside the...
Autophagy involves engulfment of cytoplasmic contents by double-membraned autophagosomes, which ultimately fuse with lysosomes to enable degradation of their substrates. We recently proposed that the tubular-vesicular recycling...
Experimental structure determination can be accelerated with artificial intelligence (AI)-based structure-prediction methods such as AlphaFold. Here, an automatic procedure requiring only sequence information and...