
Results: 74
Efficient digital implementation of a multi-precision square-root algorithm
In high performance computing systems and signal processing, there is a basic set of mathematical functions that are essential. While addition, subtraction and multiplication are well understood, there is less literature on...
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Argumentation-based reasoning about plans, maintenance goals, and norms

In a normative environment, an agent's actions are directed not only by its goals but also by the norms activated by its actions and those of other actors. The potential for conflict between agent goals and norms makes...

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Uncertainty Class Activation Map (U-CAM) using Gradient Certainty method
Understanding and explaining deep learning models is an imperative task. Towards this, we propose a method that obtains gradient-based certainty estimates that also provide visual attention maps. Particularly, we solve for...
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Efficient digital implementation of a multi-precision square-root algorithm
In high performance computing systems and signal processing, there is a basic set of mathematical functions that are essential. While addition, subtraction and multiplication are well understood, there is less literature on...
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Accelerating Variance-Reduced Stochastic Gradient Methods

Variance reduction is a crucial tool for improving the slow convergence of stochastic gradient descent. Only a few variance-reduced methods, however, have yet been shown to directly benefit from Nesterov’s acceleration...

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