
Results: 338
Search Frictions, Efficiency Wages and Equilibrium Unemployment
This paper explores the decomposition of equilibrium unemployment into involuntary and frictional components using a model that combines eciency wages with search and matching frictions in the labour market. In deriving our...
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Social Protection Reforms in the Mena Region
The COVID-19 crisis revealed a significant gap in access to public services and highlighted significant issues with regards to government responsiveness to the immediate consequences of the pandemic. In the Middle East and North...
Published by: EU
Venture Capital Availability and Labor Market Performance around the World
Horst Feldmann
Jan 01, 0001
This paper studies the effects of venture capital on the performance of the labor market. Using data from a much larger sample of countries than previous papers, it finds more readily available venture capital to favorably...
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Combating Corruption in Africa through Institutional Entrepreneurship
Corruption remains a significant barrier to the socio-economic development of Africa, despite efforts by various local, national and international stakeholders to combat it. Mishra and Maiko (2017), in their article which was...
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Why do people use food banks?
The rise of food banks has renewed debate about the extent of poverty and the adequacy of welfare provision. We conducted interviews with 25 food bank users in Bristol, finding that benefit penalties and precarious employment...
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‘Upliftment’, friends and finance:
The rapid and massive adoption of mobile money transfer (MMT) services in East Africa, particularly in Kenya, stands in stark contrast to historically low use of formal financial systems on the continent. Its ‘fertile grounds’...
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‘Upliftment’, friends and finance:
The rapid and massive adoption of mobile money transfer (MMT) services in East Africa, particularly in Kenya, stands in stark contrast to historically low use of formal financial systems on the continent. Its ‘fertile grounds’...
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International students’ and employers’ use of rankings
The article examines, primarily based on large-scale survey data, the functionalist proposition that HE customers, students and employers, demand rankings to be able to adopt informed decisions on where to study and who to...
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The employment effects of recession on couples in the UK
The effect that the 2008/09 recession has had on unemployment and, in particular, on the distribution of job losses across households is of key concern to policymakers. During the 1991 recession rising male unemployment was...
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The employment effects of recession on couples in the UK
The effect that the 2008/09 recession has had on unemployment and, in particular, on the distribution of job losses across households is of key concern to policymakers. During the 1991 recession rising male unemployment was...
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Towards a European labour market? Trade unions and flexicurity in France and Britain
Susan Milner
Sep 01, 2012
The flexicurity approach to labour market policy may offer advantages for trade unions but also
poses challenges, given their weak situation in policy formulation at EU level and in many member
states. This article...
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State of the Nation 2013
The legally-binding goal of ending child poverty by 2020 is likely to be missed by a considerable margin, and progress on social mobility may be undermined by the twin problems of high youth unemployment and falling living...
Social innovation, social entrepreneurship and the practice of contemporary entrepreneurial philanthropy

The economic crisis has accentuated the social and economic dislocation experienced by disadvantaged communities at a time of unprecedented political and public interest in philanthropy. This has concentrated attention on the...

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IPR Policy Brief - What are the prospects for a wage recovery in the UK
Between 1978 and 2008 real wages grew at nearly 2% per year.

Although, during past recessions real wages fell short of this trend, as unemployment fell the wage recovery not only re-ignited wage growth, but made up the...
Published by: University of Bath
IPR Policy Brief - Temporary agency work in the UK today
In the last quarter of 2014, the UK unemployment rate reached its lowest level for more than six years (5.8%). However, this fall in unemployment was accompanied by a rise in temporary, insecure and precarious work for both...
Published by: University of Bath








