
Results: 3
Helen DeKroyft: A Case Study on the Importance of Intersectionality in Disability Studies and History
Lizzie Elliott
Jan 01, 0001
Living in the 19th century, Helen DeKroyft was an incredibly popular and highly praised blind orator and author. Her ability to gain such success was not only due to her intelligence, but also due to the ability for audiences to...
Published by: Ursinus College
Medical provision and urban-rural differences in maternal mortality in late nineteenth century Scotland.
Alice Reid, Eilidh Garrett
Jan 24, 2018
This paper examines the effect of variable reporting and coding practices on the measurement of maternal mortality in urban and rural Scotland, 1861-1901, using recorded causes of death and women who died within six weeks of...
Published by:
Gabriel(le) et Marcel(le): La Fluidité du Genre dans Gabriel (1839) de George Sand et Madame Adonis (1888) de Rachilde
Elisa Rodriguez
Jan 01, 0001
George Sand and Rachilde, two important French female writers of the 19th c, discuss androgynous characters and borderline homosexual relationships in their works. They are part of a larger literary trend obsessed with liminal...
Published by: Ursinus College