
Results: 7
Audience Driven Scientific Communication in Agricultural Research
Austin Mickles
Jan 01, 0001
Scientists are guided by how their research impacts the world outside their labs. Researchers are driven to publish to inform further science, but communication goes beyond these formal publications. To connect science to the...
Published by: Ursinus College
Assessing the Nitrogen Conundrum at the Ursinus College Organic Farm
Madison Moses
Jan 01, 0001
We conducted a study at the Ursinus College Organic Farm on the nitrogen dynamics of soil under two commonly used management techniques. Our data can be used to refine fertility recommendations to accommodate differences in...
Published by: Ursinus College
The Effect of Cover Crops on Particulate Organic Matter
Kirk R Cherneskie
Jan 01, 0001
Humans are in a struggle to care for the environment while also feeding the entire world's population. Farming practices, such as planting cover crops, that build soil organic matter (SOM) can both increase yields and alleviate...
Published by: Ursinus College