In this global village we live in, education is not restricted to a special place like a school. All learners should be life-long learners, and learning should not be restricted to a time and place. Like any other kind of...
In this global village we live in, education is not restricted to a special place like a school. All learners should be life-long learners, and learning should not be restricted to a time and place. Like any other kind of...
Abstract: Üresin and Dubois’ paper “Parallel Asynchronous Algorithms for Discrete Data” shows how a class of synchronous iterative algorithms may be transformed into asynchronous iterative algorithms. They then prove that the...
Abstract: Üresin and Dubois’ paper “Parallel Asynchronous Algorithms for Discrete Data” shows how a class of synchronous iterative algorithms may be transformed into asynchronous iterative algorithms. They then prove that the...