
Results: 11
Swimming of peritrichous bacteria is enabled by an elastohydrodynamic instability.
Peritrichously-flagellated bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, self-propel in fluids by using specialised motors to rotate multiple helical filaments. The rotation of each motor is transmitted to a short flexible segment called...
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Differential signal sensitivities can contribute to the stability of multispecies bacterial communities.
BACKGROUND: Bacterial species present in multispecies microbial communities often react to the same chemical signal but at vastly different concentrations. The existence of different response thresholds with respect to the same...
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Self-organisation and convection of confined magnetotactic bacteria.
Collective motion is found at all scales in biological and artificial systems, and extensive research is devoted to describing the interplay between interactions and external cues in collective dynamics. Magnetotactic bacteria...
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