
Results: 6
Identification of genetic elements in metabolism by high-throughput mouse phenotyping.
Metabolic diseases are a worldwide problem but the underlying genetic factors and their relevance to metabolic disease remain incompletely understood. Genome-wide research is needed to characterize so-far unannotated mammalian...
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Predicting Basal Metabolic Rate in Men with Motor Complete Spinal Cord Injury

Purpose This study aimed to assess the accuracy of existing basal metabolic rate (BMR) prediction equations in men with chronic (>1 yr) spinal cord injury (SCI). The primary aim is to develop new SCI population-specific...

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Fluctuating asymmetry, a marker of poor growth quality, is associated with adult male metabolic rate.
OBJECTIVES: Life history theory, a branch of evolutionary theory, predicts the existence of trade-offs in energetic allocation between competing physiological functions. The core metabolic cost of self-maintenance, measured by...
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Predicting Basal Metabolic Rate in Men with Motor Complete Spinal Cord Injury

Purpose This study aimed to assess the accuracy of existing basal metabolic rate (BMR) prediction equations in men with chronic (>1 yr) spinal cord injury (SCI). The primary aim is to develop new SCI population-specific...

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