"Mr. Barry's etchings" Curtain Club offering MSGA discusses open meetings with Moll at helm Professor calls John Birch Society "insult to American good sense" Spring Festival plans complete: Fete boasts queen, "Big city"...
First Ursinus art show is extraordinary success Thursday night concert of Four Freshmen proves that big names are possible here Mr. Hudnut to lead Bible Study group Kenneth Wells to speak Wed.; President of Freedoms...
Jane Mikuliak is prom queen; New Cub & Key men tapped Sokoloffs sparkle in Forum program Dr. Tornetta to address pre-medicals on Tuesday Christianity versus communism heads weekend Y retreat Building program rolls as ground...
Bears annex first MAC championship Cold weather doesn't freeze "Mississippi mud" Senior show slated for May 16 Sir George Thomson, famed physicist, to speak at Commencement exercises Joyce Maloney wins title of Miss...
WAA schedules musical revue Thursday night AAUW holds program for senior women West Chester STC group conducts vespers program Greek columns Roland Dedekind is "Weekly" editor; Killheffer named managing editor Debating...
Dr. Gilbert Bayne, an Ursinus graduate, speaks tonight Ursinus Women's Club offers gift Payments due this week on 1956 Ruby Meistersingers first performance a success WSGA, MSGA plan Christmas dance for Wed. evening Contest...
MSGA representatives are elected; 61 percent of male students vote U.C. debating team wins over Lehigh Pre-meds elect pres. Maury Hoberman; Mr. Crebbin to speak "Y" retreat at Mensch Mill successful; Plans for the coming year...
Forum hears Norman Palmer talk on India Honor system is MSGA topic at open discussion U.C. group visits UN headquarters "Messiah" features well-known soloists Conditions in modern Austria revealed Monday by Thalburg "No...
Students and old timers enjoy varied activities: Ellie Unger crowned queen of Varsity Club dance; 724 wins golden trophy for best dorm decorations 21 degrees conferred at Founders Day exercises: Helfferich, Lauer receive Doctor...
Dean's Office reveals list of 76 students Elections for May queen, scheduled for Wednesday Frosh reps given charge on Color Day Rules revealed for Alpha Psi Male quartet to sing for PTA, February 19 Rules clarified at...
Peiffer is prom queen; Cub & Key taps 5 men Men urged to take April SSCQ tests "A pair of lunatics," Curtain Club offering YWCA worker to speak Monday in Paisley Hall French Club attends "Comedie Francaise" Brownback-Anders...
Dr. John H. Powell to address Forum Tuesday Band concert features varied musical program Miss Engarth subs for Dr. Wilcox YM-YW announces new programs; C. Herbert talks French Club to hear speaker on impressionism Dept. of...
Lorelei set for Feb. 29th; Leigh's Orchestra to play 70 students on coveted B-list; 58 ineligible Soph class to aid former member Art instructions now offered by teacher Curtain Club groups to stage two shows Second...
Chapel cutting rule discussed by MSGA Eleven outstanding seniors chosen from Ursinus for national Who's Who Whirlwind of Christmas fun in the offing Promotions given for Fall players Doctors Nye and Eger spoke at Dec. 9...
Annual "Homecoming" day held Saturday, October 20 "Y" makes final plans for U.C. political campaign 1957 "Ruby" sales, production begin ISC announces Fall "rushing" schedule Deltas hold rushing party Socialist Party...
MSGA discusses plagiarism case; Decision rejected Primary Wed. for M.S.G.A. class officers Y presidents name cabinet Sororities elect officers for coming year, 1953-54 Nominees announced for Curtain Club elections, May 6 ...
MSGA buys record player Pre-medical society tours medical college Mayberry completes course Deltas present "Greditzia Moraine" to college "Stardust" top song "The Monkey's Paw" Group I production U.S. Naval Reserve to...
Dr. H. C. Wiggers to address pre-med society "Hawaiian holiday" Friday in T-G gym Enlistment opportunities "Music for you" this Thursday night Sholl, Cranston head waiters Holmes, Blood, Ely, Kramer win in election; Head...
Dick Winchester elected Weekly editor Deltas' cake sales yield $130 for Campus Chest Student Union furnished May Day tryouts begin tomorrow Pre-medical society hears alumni Play plans announced; Group productions progress ...
Large group visits Pearl Buck's home; Trip sponsored by YM-YW Commissions plan future "Y" events Carol sing next Sunday 18th annual performance of the "Messiah" to be presented this Thursday evening, Dec. 8 Robacker stars in...
Senior Pete Mackey takes lead in Curtain Club's "The Next War" Rector to address Chi Alpha Tuesday John Piston chosen to edit Weekly; Feature editor elevated Wednesday Nobel Prize-winner captivates Ursinus: Dr. Pauling...
"Future of the United Nations" topic of speaker Bohmrich in April Pre-medicals see childbirth films Stayer & Campbell representatives to all-state band Chemistry profs to gather at UC for convention UC students invited to...
Jean Dillin wins Weekly contest Sororities welcome 14 new members; 43 men accept frat bids this afternoon Beardwood chemistry club hears Dr. Levie Van Dam Two Ursinus women offer Summer teaching position on Indian...
Ursinus triumphs over Fords 7-6: First win in two years sparks Ursinus spirit McQueen, Rowe and Combe to star in "Major Barbara" Dannehower talks on Founders Day; Degrees presented Business leaders hold conference Monday...
1959 "Ruby" editors named; Schaefer, Fogal head staff Fine for underage drinking raised by Pa. legislature Campus artist displays paintings in Library Cast of Fall play announced by president Juniors active as rivalry ends...