
Results: 4
Exploring Effective Budget Models
As institutions strive for increased transparency and reduced costs, administrators often consider different types of budget models. This report describes how four institutions plan, revise, and implement annual budgets....
Published by: Winthrop University
The Periodic Table Of Budget Model Elements
As institutions recognize the limits of the typical incremental approach to budgeting, they are looking at new budget models designed to incentivize revenue growth, control costs, set performance targets, and invest in strategic...
Published by: Winthrop University
Budget Model Redesign: Optimizing Resource Allocation at Smaller, Private Universities
An effective budget model can be a critical tool in ensuring budgetary predictability, while also allowing for the flexibility to respond to changing marketing conditions. Targeted at smaller, private institutions considering...
Published by: Winthrop University
Optimizing Institutional Budget Models: Strategic Lessons for Aligning Incentives and Improving Financial Performance
Moving Beyond Incremental Budgeting While most colleges and universities saw stable growth over the last several decades, many now face significant downward pressure on revenue. By one estimate, nearly one in ten institutions...
Published by: Winthrop University