Miya Tokumitsu's article 'In the Name of Love' is polemic against what she refers to as the DWYL (Do What You Love) movement that has been most recognisably popularised and transformed by Steve Jobs. She denounces this movement...
Each season, baseball fans and journalists alike identify which players are in the final years of their contracts because a lot rides on how the players produce in their "contract year." Will a player boost his effort and...
This study focuses on 256 Major League Baseball free agent hitters playing under the 2006-2011 collective bargaining agreement to determine whether players engage in opportunistic behavior in their contract year, i.e., the last...
Dr. Cope accepts history post at U. of Nebraska Questionnaire summarized UC faculty hears speaker from AAUP U.C. Plans for Bicentennial From the cluttered desk of the U.S.G.A. president George Bause wins Scotland...
In sports, especially baseball, there is a lot of talk about contract year performance. Beginning in spring training and continuing throughout the season, sports journalists and fans converse about how players in the last year...
Patronage politics and government behavior, in general, lend themselves to economic model building and empirical analysis. They both require human processes to function. They are human institutions - shaped and molded by...
Lloyd joins German Dept. Parking problems AAUP speaker discusses Union Student apprehended Psych Club news State of the Union Hot flicks in Philly Gurzynski hits century mark Bearettes tie W. C. Widener wallops whazoo's...