
Results: 12
Pregnant women's perceptions of physical activity
BACKGROUND: There are major health benefits of physical activity (PA) during pregnancy, yet there is scant data about a woman's knowledge and understanding of these benefits globally. DESIGN AND METHODS: We aimed to evaluate the...
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Fertility control in ancient Rome.
Rebecca Flemming
Oct 08, 2020
This paper surveys and evaluates the range of methods recommended mostly to promote but also to prevent pregnancy in ancient Rome, and then discusses the practices of adult adoption and infant exposure in more detail in order to...
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“Her bun in my oven”
Objectives: What motivates same‐gender female couples to choose reciprocal in vitro fertilization (IVF)? Do their experiences of becoming and being a mother via reciprocal IVF match their pre‐parenthood expectations? Background...
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Human-specific gene CT47 blocks PRMT5 degradation to lead to meiosis arrest.
Exploring the functions of human-specific genes (HSGs) is challenging due to the lack of a tractable genetic model system. Testosterone is essential for maintaining human spermatogenesis and fertility, but the underlying...
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Family Planning and Development
Abstract What is the role of family planning interventions on fertility, savings, human capital investment and development? To examine this, endogenous unwanted fertility is...
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