DC circuit breakers are major enabling components for multi-terminal HVDC systems. Their key design targets are operating speed and efficiency. This paper proposes a novel moving coil actuator using a compensation coil...
Large-scale electric aircraft are a promising technology that could revolutionise air travel to reduce the environmental impact. Fault current limitation and interruption technology is crucial to realise the safety and...
Large-scale electric aircraft are a promising technology that could revolutionise air travel to reduce the environmental impact. Fault current limitation and interruption technology is crucial to realise the safety and...
Direct current (DC) circuit breakers are a key enabling technology for fault management in multiterminal high-voltage DC (HVDC) systems. DC fault isolation is challenging due to the high rate of rise of the fault current and...
Direct current (DC) circuit breakers are a key enabling technology for fault management in multiterminal high-voltage DC (HVDC) systems. DC fault isolation is challenging due to the high rate of rise of the fault current and...
DC circuit breakers are major enabling components for multi-terminal HVDC systems. Their key design targets are operating speed and efficiency. This paper proposes a novel moving coil actuator using a compensation coil...