
Results: 16
An optimised multi-arm multi-stage clinical trial design for unknown variance.
Multi-arm multi-stage trial designs can bring notable gains in efficiency to the drug development process. However, for normally distributed endpoints, the determination of a design typically depends on the assumption that the...
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Analysis of responder-based endpoints
BACKGROUND: Clinical trials and other studies commonly assess the effectiveness of an intervention through the use of responder-based endpoints. These classify patients based on whether they meet a number of criteria which often...
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Sample size estimation using a latent variable model for mixed outcome co-primary, multiple primary and composite endpoints.
Mixed outcome endpoints that combine multiple continuous and discrete components are often employed as primary outcome measures in clinical trials. These may be in the form of co-primary endpoints, which conclude effectiveness...
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5-fluorouracil steady state pharmacokinetics and outcome in patients receiving protracted venous infusion for advanced colorectal cancer.
PVI 5FU gives increased response rates and reduced toxicity when compared to bolus 5FU (J Clin Oncol 1989, 425-432). PVI 5FU administration was reported to give highly variable (>1000-fold) plasma 5FU concentrations at steady...
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Group sequential designs for stepped-wedge cluster randomised trials.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: The stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial design has received substantial attention in recent years. Although various extensions to the original design have been proposed, no guidance is available on the design...
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