Y speaker on Vietnam assails US policy PSEA hears advice from student teachers Alumni invite U.C. seniors to gala at Bala Ursinus Plan, part 2: Detailed explanation of new curricular program U.C. receives $2,500 grant ...
How Should We Eat Together? December Editor's Letter Mail Center Mishap Dancing in the Lenfest Once More Meet Will McCoy Opinions: Holiday Season on Campus; Growing Concern Over Course Registration UC Men's Rugby is Back ...
Campus leaders unite: Joint councils to lead effort Symposium integrates knowledge; New course features discussion, independent study Watkins speaks on Bible and criticism Four women honored on Founders' Day: Museum...
Dr. Sturgis retires from faculty after 40 years; Honored by alumni, Saturday 222 seniors receive degrees at Commencement today; Dr. John Ciardi addresses class and guests Dr. Roger Staiger given US patent Whitians select...
Quartets to hold program Friday, Nov. 6 Wagner to speak on Founders Day Juniors to sponsor dance, "Penthouse serenade," Nov. 7 Model S.C. held at Penn State Fraternities continue rushing week activity Group production will...
Lehigh Valley alumni meet at banquet Junior oratorical contest to be held Friday, June 4 Glenwood alumni hold anniversary "Micky" Johnson elected president of Women's Athletic Association Bears score 13-0 victory over...
Curtain Club reveals cast for Spring play Y groups to have visitor; March 18 to be panel date Dr. Chandler to be speaker at IRC banquet March 16 Jones shows slides tonight 15 new members join campus sororities at noon...
Dr. Leich presents impressive chapel talk Juniata captures debate on Kellogg Pact question Impressive Color Day ceremony by WSGA Men debaters achieve win over Susquehanna Ursinus wrestling team loses to Temple matmen Male...
Exposure '67 Ursinus Viewpoint at commencement time: Means to an end; Toward freedom; Liberal morality; Open-minded attitude; Quality vs. quantity From the President What makes Suzy a language dud? The paradox of urbia: an...
Arts Forum held; 4 foreign students featured on panel Board OKs student members on committees; Student Senate endorses "SFARC" resolution "Camino real" scheduled for December 6th Mandrake concert is hit; Rock group shows...
Mrs. Pancoast speaks for traditional Color Day M-singers plan concert tour Curtain Club to give 3 "one acts" Winter IF Weekend "greatest ever" Chem. Dept. offers guest lecturers Dean's list Y-SAC presents Pfeiffer Players ...
Alumni to enrich activities with new "student fund": Seniors will be instrumental in pushing ambitious scheme Fraternities add total of 68 men In memoriam: Dr. Roland F. Doane Forum to levitate alumni dollars into pockets of...
Imposing improvements First schedule a good one Neighbors' night a big success Personals Christian organizations Bible study course closes Group meetings Seminary notes Alumni notes
Forty-fifth annual commencement Annual Class Day exercises on Monday Junior oratorical contest The alumni meeting Alumni night To prospective students The library Unveiling of tablet on Freeland Hall Third reunion...
Jean Haight leads bond queen race during first week Ruby staff proceeds with curtailed plans for wartime annual Haverford bows to grizzlies in first court tilt of season Curtis men will vacate hall in interest of economy ...
Ursinus campus is sorrowed by death of president emeritus George Leslie Omwake Poley wins May pageant choice Many favored men to dance to George Craig's strains Fraternity bids to be extended tomorrow; today marks beginning...
Senate urges reading period before exams The Freeland story The Ursinus plan: To advance the quality of education at UC UC receives $25,000 grant Alumni fund hits new peak in contributions Lantern contest proclaims winners ...
Folk songs and ballads are topic of Jemison on Nov. 4 Sorority rushees pledged on Sat.; Hold breakfasts International House features folk balladeers YM-YW seminar plans juvenile crime discussion Three lectures on renaissance...
Third Kingdom swings to enliven weekends Dispute, voided contract cancels Strawberry Alarm Clock show College evaluated for accreditation Volunteers needed for blood mobile New instructors join History Department staff ...
Fourteen join faculty; Dept. heads named for Philos. & Economics 227 freshmen begin studies; 3 foreign students included Professors recognized for teaching excellence Stained glass exhibit on display at Ursinus Joint effort...
Williams presents "Aesthetic Japan" USGA announces students named to Ursinus Board Cut system modified for failing students Ursinus obtains Gulf Oil grant Merck & Co. awards research grant to UC Final examination schedule ...
Summer pre-professional traineeships offered "Return of the Duke" soph dance Freeland a-go-go scores success Letter from the National Student Committee for Defense of Vietnam UC receives Kodak grant of $2,400 "Gateway to...
Ursinus College calendar Politics 1968: That was the year that was From the President All-Ursinus anniversary drive: A report from the National Chairman Stained glass on campus An end of Pax Americana Freeland Hall: A...
"Messiah" presented by Ursinus choir; Performances draw "SRO" audiences Frat system & houses favored by students; 12% "thumbs down!" 878 enrolled in U.C. Evening School YM-YWCA supports SFARC investigation Editorial...
Delta Pi's queen reigns at annual Homecoming U.C. students aid delinquents Founder's Day emphasizes church relationship: Three honorary degrees conferred U.C. poetry reading CBS reporter to speak at Forum Behind the scenes...